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Presentación de proyectos integradores en evento de la institución |
En el dicha publicación, se exponen las practicas implementadas, en el departamento de Mecánica, para el desarrollo de la metodología Aprendizaje Orientado a Proyectos y cómo apoyan al logro de los resultados educacionales de las carreras de Gestión y Mantenimiento de Maquinaria Pesada, Gestión y Mantenimiento de Maquinaria Industrial y, Aviónica y Mecánica Aeronáutica .
A continuación compartimos el abstract de la publicación y una presentación donde se grafica los procesos implementados que se detallan en la publicación. Encuentra el artículo completo en el siguiente enlace.
This article exposes the practice and results of the use of the methodology Project Oriented Learning, developed
over 6 years - during the semesters concerned from the Third to the Sixth semester - with the students of the Heavy
Machinery Maintenance Management Career belonging to the Tecsup Educational Institution in Lima, Peru. For
its execution, processes were generated -and currently are generated- administrative that are added to the
Apostolate of Teacher Advisors with allocation of hours for accompaniment recognized by the Institution-The
first Educational Outcomes was an average of 33% of graduates with a Professional Degree 6 months after
completing their studies. The success in the functioning of this Methodology was due - and now it is due to - the
correct performance of those who were - and are in the present - involved, for which in this opportunity the
pertinent and just mention is made. The Integrating Projects in the formation Higher Academic- as it was proved
convincingly - allowed - and currently allow - to develop the technical and personal competences enunciated in the
profile of the student, during the respective professional training, as Educational Outcomes. The competences
developed through the application of this Methodology - as we have described here-correspond to the areas of
Innovation, Design and Management, with an achievement percentage of 82% in the semester 2017. Likewise, it
can be verified that the graduates apply their knowledge of mathematics, science and technology to identify and
solve problems in 85% of achievement. In addition, they operated effectively as a team with a 94% achievement
and allowed a 93% achievement in the generation of communication competence effectively in oral, written and
Para más información acerca del Aprendizaje Orientado a Proyectos (AOP), recomendamos:
- Proyectos Integradores, información de cada proceso de desarrollo de esta estrategia (videos).
- Ventajas del AOP (infografía).
- Experiencia docente en la aplicación del AOP (video).
- Experiencia docente y de alumnos con AOP (video).
- Encuentro tecnológico, evento que presenta los mejores proyectos que se desarrollan en la institución en las diferentes carreras (fotos y videos).
Compartido por:
Silvia Espinoza, docente y coordinadora de calidad en el departamento de Mecánica, Tecsup sede Centro.
Juan Musayon Falen, jefe nacional del departamento de Mecánica, Tecsup.
Sixto Sarmiento Chipana, docente en el departamento de Mecánica, Tecsup sede Centro.
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